What’s In Your Suitcase?

Summer may not officially begin until mid-June, but if you're like me, summertime starts in May. Summer is a time to slow down, relax, and get away. Sometimes the anticipation of an upcoming getaway can be just as rewarding as the vacation itself. When our kids were in school, I remember counting down the days until the end of May so we could run away to the beach for a week. Do you have plans for a summer vacation this year? Are you anxiously anticipating a week spent away?

A few weeks ago, I helped a sweet customer put together a wedding gift basket with a honeymoon vacation theme. I thought it was the best idea, and we included everything from a passport cover to shower bursts and matching luggage tags. This sparked a conversation in the store about what we like to pack when we travel! (You never know when a blog idea will pop up!)

When I told Rachel this fun gift idea, I discovered her way of packing was different than my own more efficient approach. She likes to take time for pampering on vacation and always tosses some shower bursts, a favorite candle, a throw, and a new pair of pjs in her bag. I've realized I might have to rethink my bag! Since Rachel just had a long weekend getaway, she shared some pictures of what's in her suitcase. 

Generally I take a good book or two, air pods, and my favorite shoes/clothes, and lots of earrings (a girl's gotta have lots of earrings!) Rachel’s convinced me that there are other important things to bring! (Full disclosure, when we would take trips to Haiti, I would just roll up my clothes and put them in an airtight bag to take up less room.) Here's a peek at what I plan to pack for my next longer vacay!  

Joy's Packing List
  • Comfy pajamas and t-shirts
  • My own laundry detergent
  • Good smelling soap
  • Great candle
  • Little black dress/sandals
  • Cute earrings
  • Devotional
  • Toiletry bag
  • Beach bag & floppy hat
  • Water bottle
  • Puzzle
  • Games & our family game journal
  • Soft blanket
  • Check out the cute journal I have! My sister has had a game journal for year--her son keeps score and writes really funny comments in it. I thought it was so fun that my daughter in love bought one for me! Any time we play games with friends/family, we write the date and keep score in the journal. We also add funny comments to remember later--Mike recently wrote "Joy won the round that didn't count. Worst hostess ever--winning easily & our friends may never play with her again!" (It's all fun and games til Joy loses!!) It's so fun to look back at the memories--and at all the times I won! ha

    All this talk about vacation and packing has me ready to head out! I better ask Rachel for some time off! What fun things do you like to take on your trips? We love to hear your ideas.

    Until Next Time,


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