All The Holidays: Thanksgiving
Do you have a particular holiday that makes your heart rejoice? While I love Christmas, there's something about Thanksgiving that makes my heart sing. I love being creative with my buffet and thinking of all the names that will be seated at my pretty table. Don't we all have an awkward selfie from the dining room table with all the food and everyone annoyed because they want to eat? This pic was back in 2016 at our house when we'd entertain college kids who didn't go home for the holidays (and our kids!)

I love thinking back on past holidays, but I'm even more excited as I look forward to upcoming holidays with our new grandson! Since we know it's fun to plan ahead, we want to show you all our favorite things for Thanksgiving!.

Green bean casserole with French onions is a required plate from my son, Austin.

There's always one person in the family that must have cranberry sauce right out of the can--but if you put it on a plate, it just jiggles away. This Mudpie dish is perfect, keeps it all in place, and is frankly quite adorable.

What's your favorite casserole that you make every holiday? Mine is definitely my sweet potato casserole. I could eat it as a dessert; it's so yummy with butter, brown sugar, pecans, and corn flakes on top!

My daughter in law always requests my corn casserole. It's from my sister in law, who passed away in 2009. Isn't it funny how recipes from loved ones make you happy? I thought I'd share this one with you!

Do you celebrate Friendsgiving? We serve it every year to our apartment community for about 80-100 people! Bringing people together for Friendsgiving is one of our best, highly anticipated events. I'm sure you'd prefer a smaller group, and this dish would be lovely to take to a friend's home and leave as a hostess gift. Sorry, she'll have to wash to keep it!

No matter how you like to set your table and buffet, do it in a way that makes your heart smile. If you need inspiration, we're always here to help!

Until next time,
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