The Heart of Gratitude
After such a fun weekend at Christmas Village, we looked at our calendar in shock as we realized Thanksgiving is next week! Have you already put up your Christmas tree or do you wait til after Thanksgiving? I saw a funny quote the other day, “Thanksgiving is a day; Christmas is a season. Put the tree up, girl!”
Even though I love shopping, if I start thinking too much about my Christmas list, I lose my heart of gratitude and become discontent. After reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp this year, I began a gratitude journal--a way to remind myself of all the gifts around me. You know how everyone goes around the table to say what they're thankful for? How many times have you drawn a blank?! The gratitude journal has made it easier to remember what I'm thankful for!

My heart overflows with gratitude as I'm reminded of you, our precious friends. You continually bless us with your love and friendship. What a beautiful gift you are to us!
Even with the craziness this world brings, my hope is that you know the Lord's goodness, amazing grace, and faithfulness in your life. As you're winding the corner towards Thanksgiving, I pray your heart is full of gratitude and peace.
Until next time, we're grateful for you!
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